
Ergonomically designed furniture can reduce pain and injury, increase productivity, improve morale, and decrease complaints. Departments are encouraged to purchase adjustable equipment for the reasonable accommodation of users. Some users may have special needs, such as left-handedness, color blindness, vision impairment, etc. The goal should be flexibility to accommodate the user population so that personnel may interface effectively with equipment. Equipment should be sized to fit the individual user.

The responsibility to ensure employees are not in discomfort due to poor ergonomics rests with individual departments. Purchasing of equipment recommended in the evaluation will be made by the employee's department.  In some cases, Loss Prevention funding may be available; however, this is not a guarantee.

EHSRM can assist with ergonomic assessments of workstations and other work-related activities.  The first step is to complete the .  Then, if needed, schedule an in-person consultation with the EHSRM Ergonomics Specialist, Bethany Graves.
